George Schlauder, Chief Instructor
George Schlauder has been a practitioner of Traditional Shotokan
Karate for 30 years, and has had affiliations with the
- International Traditional Karate Federation (ITKF),
- American Amateur Karate Federation (AAKF),
- World Traditional Fudo-Shotokan Karate-Do Federation (WTFSKF),
- USA Traditional Fudo-Shotokan Karate-do Federation (USA TFSKF)
- American Athletic Union (AAU).
His Karate experience includes numerous Regional Championships,
as well as being National Finalist in Fukugo: Kata (Forms)/Kumite
(Fighting) and En-Bu (Self-defense) and National champion in Kata
and Kumite. He was Coach of the USA TFSKF Karate Team for the 2005
WTFSKF Karate World Championships, where he also competed in
Fugu-go, Kata and Team Kumite.
He has been certified as an instructor, judge and coach by the
ITKF and has judged at numerous regional, national and international
tournaments for both children and adults. Sensei Schlauder is
presently President of the USA Traditional Fudo-Shotokan Karate Do
Federation. He also represents the USA as a member of WTFSK
International Medical Committee and Judges Committee. He holds a
Roku-dan (6th degree black belt) in Traditional Karate.
He also holds a Doctorate in Chemistry & Biological Sciences
and is currently employed in the Health Care Industry. In addition
to being Chief Instructor of Skokie Shotokan and Peterson Karate, he
is also a Senior Instructor in the Sugiyama Dojo.
He is also a member of the All United States Kendo Federation
(AUSKF) and the Midwest Kendo Federation (MWKF).