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A Traditional Karate School in Chicago


Classes run continuously from September through June. New sessions begin every 2 months (starting September, November, January, March, & May).

New students can start at the beginning of any of these sessions. See our schedule for the exact dates and times for registration. Returning students can register the first day of each session. Although new students can also register at this time, it is recommended to contact us to ensure the availability of space.

Children Classes

  • 6-9 year olds Beginner/Intermediate
  • 10-14 year olds Beginner/Intermediate
  • 15-17 year olds Intermediate/Advanced

Adult Classes

  • Beginner/Intermediate
  • Intermediate/Advanced

Students can attend either weekday or weekend classes or both as their schedule allows.

Classes last for 45 minutes to 1 hour on weekdays and 1 hour on weekends. Classes typically start out with a warm up and some stretching. This is followed by a review of basics known as kihon. We then study kata and or kumite doing a number of different drills.